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Technical documents

Code and Relevant WHA Resolutions

International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes | 1981


WHA34.22 - International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes | 1981


WHA35.26 - International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes | 1982


WHA37.30 - Infant and young child nutrition | 1984


WHA39.28 - Infant and young child feeding | 1986


WHA41.11 - Infant and young child nutrition | 1988


WHA43.3 - Protecting promoting and supporting breast-feeding | 1990


WHA45.34 - Infant and young child nutrition and status of implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes | 1992


WHA47.5 - Infant and young child nutrition | 1994


WHA49.15 - Infant and young child nutrition | 1996


WHA54.2 - Infant and young child nutrition | 2001


WHA55.25 - Infant and young child nutrition | 2002


WHA58.32 - Infant and young child nutrition | 2005


WHA59.11 – Infant and young child nutrition and HIV | 2006


WHA59.21 - Infant and young child nutrition | 2006


WHA61.20 - Infant and young child nutrition: biennial progress report | 2008


WHA63.23 - Infant and young child nutrition | 2010


WHA65/6 - Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition | 2012


A67/DIV3 - Decision and list of resolutions: WHA67(9) Maternal, infant and young child nutrition | 2014 


A69/7 Add. 1 - Maternal, infant and young child nutrition - Report by the Secretariat
Guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children Provisional agenda item 12.1
| 2016


WHA69.7 - Ending inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children
Agenda item 12.1
| 2016


WHA71.9 - Infant nutrition and breastfeeding Agenda item 12.6 | 2018


WHA73.26 - Maternal, infant and young child nutrition Agenda item 15.2 | 2020


WHA75.21 - Maternal, infant and young child nutrition Agenda item 18.1 | 2022

Other technical documents

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